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The IUP Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering:
Two Element Rectangular Microstrip Array Antenna for X and Ku Band Operation

This paper presents a novel design and development of two element slot loaded rectangular microstrip array antennas for dual bands—one at X and the other at Ku band of frequencies. The effect of inclined L and L slots on the array elements with H slots in the ground plane is studied experimentally for enhancing the bandwidth. Experimentally, it is found that by using L slots on the array elements with H slots in the ground plane, the bandwidth at Ku band can be enhanced from 16.8% to 32% without affecting the operating bandwidth at X band and the nature of the broadside radiation characteristics. The details of antenna design are described and experimental results are discussed. The proposed antennas may find application in Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR).


The Microstrip Antennas (MSAs) are most popular and widely used because of their attractive features such as low volume, low cost, light weight, planar configuration and compatibility with integrated circuits. However, the major demerit associated with MSAs is their narrow bandwidth, nearly 1 to 2% (Bahl and Bhartia, 1981) and single frequency operation which limits their many useful applications. A number of techniques are mentioned in the literature for enhancing the bandwidth of MSAs. These include incorporating slots (Steven et al., 2003), use of additional resonators (Kumar and Gupta, 1984), use of parasitic elements with main radiating patch (Nishiyama and Aikawa, 2004), use of multilayer structure (Zehforoosh et al., 2006), etc. Among these, the slot technique is simple and straightforward in enhancing the bandwidth compared to other techniques available in the literature, because it has the freedom to add the desired slot on the radiating element and in the ground plane. Further, the antenna operating at more than one band of frequency is more useful than single band antenna because each band can be used independently for transmit/receive applications particularly in Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR). A variety of methods have been proposed in the literature to obtain dual band operation. But the antenna operating at two different bands of frequencies and their enhancement using slot loaded microstrip array antenna are found rarely in the literature. The array technique improves the radiation characteristics of the antenna.


Electrical and Electronics Engineering Journal, Biometric Fingerprint Segmentation, Kernel Fuzzy C-Means Algorithm, Image Segmentation, Data Mining, Gaussian Kernel Function, Reinitialization Process, Medical Images, Medical Imaging Characteristics, Electric Power Systems, Distribution Systems, Reliability Modeling.